Why JMTX2?  It turns out that we have the same initials. When we sign cards, texts, or whatever we will use JMT².  Our families know that JMT² means both of us, as a couple. Our domain name is as close as we could get to “JMT²”. Learn more about us.

The JMTX2 website is our place to share information and experiences with friends, families and anyone who may be interested in what we have experienced and possibly how we solved some common problems. It also where we can try out WordPress and its various capabilities. Some of the areas that we touch on include cooking, our dogs, fishing, pheasant hunting, projects around the house, travel and WordPress.

We make no claim to be experts or to have all of the answers. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and views. If you like what you see, great. If you don’t, then please feel free to just move along. We will not engage with anyone trying to rain on our parade.

Like our dogs, we are just enjoying life and “looking for squirrels”.

jmtx2 - Looking for Squirrels
Looking for Squirrels