Dogs and Drainpipe – Part 2
Yet another post about fixing damage done by the dogs in search of mice. This post is about my most recent attempt at Drain Pipe Protection.
Our dogs are a big part of our life. They are a part of our family and a constant source of entertainment, especially since there personalities are so different. Based on their breed, they are intelligent and high energy. They require exercise and mental stimulation or they will figure ways to occupy their time, which often times is not desirable. They are also hunting dogs. For three months of the year they are working dogs, willing to run all day in search of pheasants. They love to hunt.
Yet another post about fixing damage done by the dogs in search of mice. This post is about my most recent attempt at Drain Pipe Protection.
This is a Recap of Week 2 of the 2024 Pheasant Hunting Season. Weather continues to be a challenge but we did get out.
This is the Recap of week 1 of the 2024 Pheasant Hunting season. Our biggest challenge has been the weather but we were able to get out.
This afternoon we had a racoon in the yard. It was obviously sick so I called the police. Officers came out and put it down,
Just a quick project to repair a couple drain lines that the dogs tore up. Connected the damage line to an existing drain line.
The week 13 recap of our last trip to Iowa in tough winter conditions. We saw lots of hens and finally a rooster.
A quick recap of week 12. We took one trip in Minnesota and a two day trip to Iowa. All three trips yielded birds.
This is the week 11 recap of the 2023 pheasant hunting season. We saw lots of hens but very few roosters which is typical of last season hunting.
During a recent hunt we used a team effort to find a rooster, get him to flush and retrieve him after he was shot.
This was a short week in that there was only one trip. We covered 3 areas and got one bird. The video is short but does contain a couple bloopers.