The dogs have been at it again. In yet another battle against the rodent population, they have dug up my drain pipes again. This post covers my most recent attempt at drain pipe protection.
The Damage
Back in June of 2023, the dogs found and uncovered a drain pipe that was being used by the local rodents as a shelter. I buried the pipe and covered it with flag stones to deter them. It worked for about a year. Fast forward to late summer and suddenly the dogs were spending a lot of time down the hill. When they did come back, their paws were often filled with dirt.
When I investigated I found out that they had moved many of the heavy flag stones and excavated the drain pipe. Not only that, they actually found another drain pipe that I did not know even existed. Here is a picture of the damage.

The Repair
I started by removing most of the flag stones. Then I dug out a trench for the second pipe. My intent was to extend the shorter pipe to match the existing pipe.

Once the trench was dug, I added a section of pipe so that the shorter pipe matched the longer pipe. Then I backfilled dirt around both pipes.

My plan was to bury everything under a bunch of mulch that had been accumulating for years. To facilitate drainage, I piled a bunch of old bricks around the ends of the pipe so that water could exit the pipes. Then I laid a 4′ x 4′ square of old chainlink fencing over the pipe ends and bricks. Then I covered the pipes and fencing with flag stones.

Finally, I covered everything with mulch. My hope is that with everything buried deeper that the mice will not be able to use the pipes as a refuge. Without mice, the dogs will leave the pipes alone.
This is hopefully my last attempt at drain pipe protection. Only time will tell.
dogs are a lot of work!
Yes they are. Never a dull moment.